07703 257717 rich@bfgs.co.uk

Privacy Policy

BFG Services Limited Privacy Policy:

BFG Services Ltd are committed to protecting your privacy. Please read the following policy to understand how we will treat your personal information when you use our site.

When you make an enquiry using one of the forms provided on this site, we will need to collect information about you to process the request / order and for internal administration purposes. This information may include, but is not limited to, details such as your name, address, email, telephone number and other details. This information will enable us to contact you in the most efficient manner in order to complete your request or to answer your question / query.

We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to third parties EVER.

By submitting this information you consent to the processing of the personal data you have provided by BFG Services Limited (and any partner or associated company whenever strictly necessary) in connection with the purpose or nature of your enquiry.


By disclosing your personal information in using this site, you consent to the collection, storage and processing of your personal information by BFG Services Limited or any partner or associated company where strictly necessary.

We do not send unsolicited marketing emails to personal email addresses.

BFG Services Limited is Registered in England and Wales, Registration No. 09176971. Registered Address: Unit 1, Saxondale Farm, Thorpe Langton Road, East Langton, Market Harborough LE16 7WD

Telephone 07703 257717